Perspective On Connecticut Tragedy

So, it’s the holiday season, and it’s time for cheer and laughter. Even those I realize it won’t be the happiest Christmas for some. In Connecticut, there are twenty sets of parents who won’t have their children with them this Christmas. Twenty children were most likely looking forward to Christmas, and now won’t ever get to see it. It’s heartbreaking to see it. We ask ourselves, “what kind of monster would do that to children?” Sadly enough, our question isn’t really answered, except that he was moved by the devil. And then there are all the questions and statements we long to say to the killer. I know I have a few of my own, and some of them are not pretty. Hehehe. But seriously, it is mind-boggling to see how our culture has gone down that low. Schools were supposed to be safe for children. Now, schools have to resemble a prison almost, for the safety of the children. In my opinion, I believe we should start teaching more of our children at home, where we know they will be safer. I know this isn’t ideal for everyone, but those who can should consider it. So I notice that people are asking for stronger gun laws. But, as I heard my pastor say in church this morning, gun laws aren’t going to keep somebody from getting a gun and shooting somebody down. Literally, guns would have to be banned forever for that to happen. And I don’t think that will ever happen. So, what can we do now? Pray. Our world is falling into a mass destruction. We are slowly destroying ourselves, bit by bit. And while they say the world is coming to an end this very month, and this is likely not true, we need to watch our steps. I don’t like dealing with news in general. It is too harsh and too much a reminder of the mess we live in every day. And there isn’t much we can change about it. But I probably should watch it more. It will prevent me from going into a fantasy world when all is generally well in my corner of the world. I digress. So I close with a prayer in my heart that the families of Connecticut be comforted in their time of sorrow, and not just Connecticut, the nation of America. May we come together and remember who we are, as a nation in the sight of God and the rest of the world, for our little fellow patriots lost to us so soon and so suddenly. May God bless America.