I Can’t Stop Praising Him

I have been listening to a song a lot  lately, and it is one of my favorites. It is called “In My Spare Time Praising Him.”  I love it so much, for it speaks of praising God all day long. Indeed, how could there be a moment when we wanted, needed to stop praising Him? We can never tire of praising Him, for He is an awesome God.  There are countless reasons to praise Him for His goodness, His mercy, His faithfulness, His justice, His love.  We can just look outside and praise Him for a marvelous creation that He has formed, that none of us cannot even begin to make. We can look at ourselves, and while we might not be happy with what we see, we can praise God, knowing that He made us His vessel for a purpose. Our body is a temple, beautiful and consecrated for Him. We are indeed fearfully and wonderfully made. We can praise God for giving us the talents to make a difference in the world, that we may glorify Him. We can praise God for bringing such wonderful people in our lives, whoever they are. They are supportive and loving, and when we don’t have the family or friends around, God will bring people in our lives to help us along the way.  We can praise God for providing and giving us everything we need….even if sometimes we may have to wait for it. We can praise God that while we want something so bad, that even if He doesn’t give us what we want, that if we wait and trust in Him, He will give us something beyond our wildest dreams! We can praise God even in sorrow, knowing all things come together for the good for those who love Him, and who are called according to His purpose. That our tears can one day be turned into joy, and that our cries can be turned into laughter! Praise God for forgiving us even when we don’t deserve it, and even dying for our sins and giving us a second chance to live forever….with Him. Praise God for loving us SO much! Praise God for always being there! When I count all the ways God has been so good to us, I can only rejoice. Really, I can’t count them, but the fact that we have Someone there for us, doesn’t that make you want to praise Him all day too? Yes! I don’t want to stop praising God, I can’t stop praising Him. That is why I love worship songs so much. While I do enjoy scripture, I can truly sing to and praise my God, nonstop if I can, or rather want to, even in my heart, because I can lift up my voice, raise my hands, and shout, “Hallelujah! Praise be to God!”  I can be in total abandon, forget everything all around me, and praise my Lord. That is truly awesome, and there is nothing like it. 🙂 Praise be to God! 😀

Until next time, adios! 🙂

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